A new Apache - Silver

Purchased a new TVS Apache Silver. - 15/3/2007

And here it goes

City : Bangalore
On road price as on March 2007 = 61810
Loan amount for a downpayment of 40 grand = 25000
EMI for a period of one year = 2290 x 11.
Actual downpayment amount =

36810 (61810 - 25000)
+ 2290 (the first emi as advance)
+ 575 (blah!)
+ 250 (blah!)
+ 250 (blah!)
+ 375 (Extra coating on the bike for rust, color prevention. Doh!)

= 40550

And at the end of 12 months I end up paying 65750, an excess of 3940.

Point to ponder on :

1. Understand the interest rates. The wesbite says 6.99% but I was given at 9.9%. When asked, the ICICI agent in the showroom stammered.
2. Choose the right financier.
3. Check the number of the engine and the chassis to that of the registeration certificate.
4. Ensure all components are free from damange, rust and other issues.
5. Its your money, so ask as much as question you want to before purchasing one.


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