Touched 95km/h March 20 2007

Okie, the same flyover again. This time I had this blackberry boring pulsar again. Tried to race him and go ahead and touched 95 km/h - trust me I had no vibrations at all. It was just smooth even at 95km/h. I know its not good to reach such great speeds before the first service, but I just could not control it.

I am not bluffing here, neither do I want this blog to be dumped with useless facts. I shall be true to whatever I had experienced with the bike.

1. The bike vibrates. Phew! I did not experience it even at 95kmph.
2. The gear box is tough. Doh! Not at all.

Brakes - I dont know what to say. It just halts silently within seconds. For all those bikers who complain on the braking in Apache, looks like they dont know how to apply them.


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