Gear box!

Ahhhhh! such a beautiful bike and the gear box is really annoying. I dont know if the rider is bad (me) or is it something to do with the bike.

Sometimes in traffic, traversing down from 2nd to first becomes a problem. It just gets jammed at neutral or does not budge. A little bit of push in the front and its back to normal. Wonder why there is some twist is the mechanical laws of nature. Comparatively Honda Unicorn provides a smooth transition. Its gear box is absolutely splendid.

Sometimes I feel if there was a clever way for bikes to switch from manual transmission to automatic transmission. Using the five gear box in heavy, irresponisble traffics like in Bangalore is really a headache, especially when you have a poor idling configuration in your bike. I suffered a lot a couple of days back.


Kiran said…
i heard tht the gearbox is causing lot of probs for apache users...i asked the guys at the apache showroom...the ones tht are shipped now hav better gearbox and tht they hav repaired the faultiness in it true
graphix said…
No way mate! It happens with any bike. I have an Apache too, but I must blame myself for not using the gears properly. The gear box is good if you know how to use it properly.

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