Is the issue with your bike or the Petrol Bunk?

I am back again with another shocking report on the mileage phenomenon. If all you bikers think that going to a Petrol Bunk in India or Bangalore for that matter should possibly give you a better mileage, then you better think again. India is ranked as one of the most corrupted country in the world.

Other than Shell or Reliance, all other Petrol Bunks are fraudulent. I would say "BASTARDS" out of sheer anger and irritation. A case yesterday at Bharat Petroleum - Airport Road when I faced this problem. I gave him 51 rupees for a litre of petrol and touched the tank to see if I could feel the movement of the fuel in the tank, and voila! It ceased at 600ml, but still the meter was running to fool me. Can you believe it? I had a tough time with the fellow there, demanding him the value for money. But I could do nothing single handed.

Imagine the amount of people being fooled especially people who own cars who just rely on the meter reading and cannot really feel what’s happening inside the tank. But it’s not the case for bikers though.

To all riders and drivers – Please touch the tank to feel what is happening inside. Or at least ask the representative in the petrol bunk to pour the fuel in such a manner than the pipe is not fully inside the tank. And you can see what is happening. It doesn’t matter if you lose some amount of fuel by evaporation. At least you are not cheated and you are contributing to making this country a better place.

And if the representative attending to you is not responding properly to your clarifications, just slipper him. We as customers have the whole rights to demand the value for each penny. That’s the meaning of a democratic country.

So with 600ml what kinda mileage are you expecting? So bikers, better check how much is in (to the tank) before estimating how much is out (used fuel from the bike). Happy riding!


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