Pulsar Vs Apache

After a lot of research, I must admit Pulsar rules. I am not considering the new version of pulsar in which the tail lamp was altered to give an awkward look to the vehicle. I am considering the comparison between Apache 150 and the pulsar 150 and 180 older versions.

1. Apache seems to have copied all the feature of pulsar in one shot. Observe the panel allocations, the stickering, the style. Everything damn thing is copied, excepting the engine.
2. Pulsar if heavenly responsive than Apache. I dont know why there was a hype on Apache's pickup!!!!
3. Pulsar if powerful in all ways, especially when you are trying to drag the vehicle up a slope.
4. Pulsar is a class in design. So professionally crafted. The bike looks COMPLETE. 180 DTSi black is awesome.
5. Look at Apache from a distance and you shall soon find that the back side of the vehicle is out of design from the front. Something missing there!
6. Apache's pillion seat is DAMN SMALL. A terrible ache to the bummy!!!

So ladies and gentlemen, though this blog is dedicated to Apache, my votes are for Pulsar for several reasons. But nevertheless, TVS is a new learner and is competing and shall soon be in match in producing quality vehicles for the Indian market. Predator, Apache 180 are few such examples. Apache 150 is just the beginning of the story.

The bike is Indian. And thats what makes it unique from all. Even the tyres and alloys are manufactured by TVS, However this is not the case with bikes from Honda, Bajaj and the rest. So that way, TVS is definitely making things happen, but at a slow pace.


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