Successor of the Fiero

For those who have not read the dawn of Apache.. here it goes from the TVS website

The TVS Apache is the successor to the Fiero F2 and FX, but only in a chronological sense. In ever other way, the Apache is leaps and bounds ahead. TVS based the motor on the old F2’s unit, but stretched it taut and created a motor that’s fast, entertaining and still frugal enough to be widely acceptable to 150cc buyers.

Further, they created an all-new chassis to create what is easily one of India’s best corner carvers and added in their usual engineering excellence to leave the BSM jury looking for an excuse to take points away from it. So thorough was the Apache, that even the usual TVS Achilles’ heel – styling – left us falling over each other with compliments.

Even naysayers who thought it looked like the current market leader in the photographs fell silent when they first cast eyes on it. Ladies and gentlemen, the Business Standard Motoring Bike Of The Year 2006 is the superb new TVS Apache. Congratulations, TVS!


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