A disaster..

Sometimes you just wont know how things go against you all of a sudden. I had to pick up my friend about 25 kms from where I stayed in Bangalore and it was 8 PM already. And as I started from home, series of unfortunate events popped. The first thing; my clutch wire broke. I struggled a lot trying to start the engine and eventually managed to ride without the clutch till the mechanic shop.

If your clutch has gone for a toss, bring the bike to neutral by pushing the vehicle forward. Star the engine and push ahead and engage the first gear. And when the bike moves you don't need the clutch from then on. Depending on the speed engage and disengage the respective gears. Though not the right thing to do, it can atleast save some precious time especially when you are in a hurry.

The second horrific event, I was out of fuel. I wanted to fill it at the nearest station, but my attempts of trying to make my way to the mechanic shop sucked all of it. So I had to push. Make sure you are always ready for the journey well in advance.


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