Harley Davidson in India

Sorry for not having posted a blog for so many days. I was in midst of so many other things. So.. whats new.. hmmmmm.... ah! Harley Davidson. Yes all biking enthusiasts.. Harley Davidson is now in India. The company founded in 1903 and headquartered in US is now whetting its hands in India.

So the website is http://www.harley-davidson.in/. Give it a shot. They have the following bikes in store for sale. The famous Sportster, DYNA, Softail, VRSC, Touring and VSO. The V-ROD VRSC is simply mouth watering. Phew! what a vehicle.

Have not had a chance to know the prices of these vehicles though. If anyone knows how much it is do comment on it. Some say that it might take another year for the vehucle to actually be on Indian roads. Lets be patient until we see the light at the endof the tunnel. So for now just enjoy!


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