The best car in my budget.

I have been probing into this for quiet some time now and finally I have decided that the following would be the most important attributes I would look in my next car around my budget. Interior Space, Boot Space, Suspension, Engine and Drivability. Nothing else matters. The mileage, the cost involved, how cheap is the service etc is important but after looking at the features of so many cars it seems to be that all this while I was trying to chase the wrong feature list in a car. In others words I am trying to make it simple for you to decide on what makes a car a really good car.

When you drive in the city or in the highway the one thing that matters the most is the suspension. I recently sat inside the Tata Manza and was blown with its suspension. I could feel nothing. The roads to my house in Mangalore are really bad even today and this car simply cruised with ease. My i10 on the other hand would make someone inside it puke. Its simply too bad in handling a rough terrain. Tata Manza has a wishbone suspension with shock absorbers and i10 has a twin axle beam suspension. You see the difference?

The next thing and the most important is how your engine reacts to your moves. When you hit the pedal it just needs to do what you think it should. If it takes too much time, then maybe its not worth it. On this regard I loved the Mahindra Renault Logan. What a car. It easily clocked 150 kms (can go more) with ease. And with each gear shift it seems very eager to push itself. Its just amazing. Your car needs to have the power, the proper wieght to power ratio and a good engine.

I never thought much about boot space when I bought the i10. My only criteria was a small car and a hatchback, buut having travelled with the family around I have realised how important it is to have a good boot space. Its not a car if you cant carry your world in it. Sometimes when something does not fit in, it just makes you feel that the car itself is useless. I can't even pick my brother and family from the airport because their baggages wouldn't fit. Doh!!!!

The same goes with the interior space. You should feel like a king inside. Its should be a car and not a crowded bus.

Power steering and drivability is again important. Your car should respond to your moves instantly. On this regard I love my i10. To me personally it works quiet good and is very satisfactory. I can cruise around comfortably with the steering and change gears with two fingers.

So there you go. When you look out for a good car look into these five parameters first. Then look into the other things. You would be spending 100% of your time inside the car driving it around. So it is important for you to focus on these items. Overtime you will realise that looks just dont matter. Thats probably one reason why Maruthi does not care so much about it. It matters what is inside and not outside.

Happy Driving, Happy Holidays and Wish you all a great Christmas and Happy New Year.


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