Be proud of the Pixel

Tata motors promised a 1 lac car to the world and they fulfilled it. The Tata Nano was born and it stunned the world. Many thought of it as a joke but Ratan Tata has made it loud and clear that if you set your goal right then it is possible to achieve anything.

And now they want to do it again and this time with the Pixel. Tata has finally unveiled the MegaPixel at the Geneva Motor Show. Its a four seater, environment friendly electric car. It is a concept itching to come to reality. The one thing giving me goose bumps is an Indian product going international with an international design. I simply love seeing the Tata logo on the Pixel.

The petrol engine recharges the battery on the go and it promises to provide 900 km with a tank of fuel and an economy of 100 km / litre. What is stunning in the pixel is the maneuverability. You could pivot and turn around a particular wheel enabling an exceptional turn radius of 2.8 meters. I can go gaga over the pixel but you will have to check it out yourself to know more about this and also all the cool and sexy features it has. It definitely another feather in the cap of Tata Motors. Check out more in their website


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