Volkswagen Polo - Simplicity sells!

I got a chance to experience the Polo yesterday and I must say that I finally am convinced that all I heard about Volkswagen is indeed true. Let me get into the facts right away. These are simply what I feel about the car.

What i like:

I have seen several reviews claiming the ride quality of Volkswagen to be one of the best in the market. This is true. Few of my colleagues in the car felt the same too. The ride quality is definitely way better than most cars in the market today. I had always been crazy about the looks of a car. The new Fludic Verna for example has a very different and classy look; echoing "Fludic" from front to rear. At the same time many feel its ride quality is not as smooth as it should be. The fact is a driver is going to spend 100% of his time driving and its important a buyer pays more attention to the drive quality and comfort over the looks. So yes, the ride and comfort in the Polo is simply good. This is a verdict from four of us inside the car. 

Quality of build of the car is another plus. The exterior and interior is built with great care and definition. I had no complains on the dashboard or the design. It all seemed to fall well in place.

Boot space is simply awesome. It's spacious like you would find in a sedan.

What I din't like

I felt that I really had to strain to get into the car. The rear seat leg space and height seemed less. The car also has a low ground clearance.

The vehicle seemed underpowered. Push the throttle and it is not as responsive as it should be. However the steering sensitivity is good.

No power windows in the rear. You get this in the mid and high end variants however most cars have this and it's disappointing that Volkswagen decided to add a price to it.

Its expensive. You would get the i20 for about 50 G more but loaded with all the goodies. The only downside with i20 is its drive quality.

A different opinion from CarBuyer


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