Pain in the a***

I am back from a peaceful vacation and completely horrified now. The thought of driving on Bangalore streets makes me feel lethargic to go to work. Nowadays I try to make it to work early in the morning and get back home early. Few issues I see that is making a commuters life hell in Bangalore is

1) Poor roads. The road is quiet smooth for while and then it becomes rough, bumpy and wavy.
2) Narrow roads. I experience this in Hebbal where vehicles at high speed converge to this narrow little fly-over. There is chaos, especially with the bus drivers. I have a tough time understanding their driving capabilities. All the drivers enter the fly-over from left and jam the traffic. Wouldn't it be easy on the right side? Common sense isn't?
3) Speed-breakers. This is something that even my car is suffering from badly. The pot-holes add to the misery. There are rules but who cares. I am pretty sure more than half of the speed breakers in this city is not legitimate.
4) Why don't people use the side view mirrors? They are either missing or folded. I can't even magine entering my car without these.

Amidst all this I can only thank God that I have lived to see 2014 and hope for the same and I sincerely hope for a miracle like AAP in Bangalore too. What we need is a solution to what a common man thinks makes perfect common sense.


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